T1 is one of the most important Esports franchises not only today but in history, thanks to its dominance over the years, as well as being an organization that has given us unforgettable moments during its participation in recognized competitions. The success of this franchise is due in large part to the sacrifice and dedication of the players and the team behind its development.
As a result, T1 today has become one of the leading brands in the world of video games and now has different teams in titles such as Dota 2, Super Smash Bros, Overwatch, Valorant and League of Legends, with the latter group being the most famous for having won numerous world championships. Despite being summer, the players are currently working hard to be in the top positions in their respective conferences, however, to encourage their followers during this time, they have created a new collection full of variety in terms of the pieces available. This summer collection is complemented by the hoodie that T1 introduced earlier this year.

What T1 brings us with its new summer collection
Summer is one of people’s favorite times of the year as it is a period of time full of fun and relaxation, therefore, T1 has created a collection of summer-themed clothing so that fans can enjoy these dates while supporting their favorite team. The T1 Summer collection consists of two models of shorts and t-shirts, a bag, an umbrella and even a pair of slides.
T1 Summer T-shirts
There is no better way to start with the analysis of this collection unless it is about the pieces with the highest demand, in this case those pieces are the T1 Summer T-shirts for summer 2022. These are two models of t-shirts with unique features and variants, therefore, you have available different options from which you can choose.
On this occasion both t-shirts are of casual type, since it has a construction and design that allows versatility and comfort. In addition, being a summer collection, the t-shirt can be used in any event or activity you do during this time.

The first model of T1 T-shirts has five variants, all have the same design, but differ in the colors of the details. They are currently available in black, white, orange, purple and charcoal. For its appearance was implemented a solid base whose color corresponds to any of the above mentioned, in the front area on one side you can see the T1 logo in a color that contrasts with the base, while in the back is a phrase that says “Together as 1”.
The second T1 T-shirt has less variants, being only two in this case, you can get this garment in black or white color. The base color is one of those mentioned above, on one side of the chest is the slogan “Together as 1” in white or black, while on one side of the sleeve is located the shield of the franchise.
T1 Summer Shorts
Summer is an ideal time to dress comfortably, and T1 is well aware of this by bringing us two different models of shorts in the T1 Summer collection. Each model has its specific features, but that’s not all, as they have different color variations, so you can choose the one that most appeals to you. Both pieces are casual, however, they have certain differences, such as their materials and construction, therefore, these shorts can be used for different activities in the summer.

As first model we have the T1 Summer nylon shorts, a classic garment perfect for your day to day thanks to its minimalist and elegant design that allows you to combine it with other pieces without much problem. This model is available in three different colors, black, navy blue and khaki. For its appearance, the base will be of one of these colors mentioned, and as the only details we have the slogan of T1 in the lower area of the piece, and a label of the franchise on one side of the pocket.
The second model consists of the T1 Summer sport shorts, thanks to the materials and its design it is an ideal garment for summer activities such as going to the beach, or also to dress casually by having variants in neutral colors. These shorts are available in black and gray. For its appearance, the base of the shorts will be of one of these two colors, in the lower area of the piece you can see the franchise’s slogan embroidered in white.

T1 Summer Bag
No matter what kind of activity you are doing, carrying your belongings is of utmost importance, that’s why T1 created its own bag to cover any essential detail of a good summer in its collection. The bag has a white base, in the middle we have the message “Together as 1” and below it is the logo of the franchise. Its minimalist color palette allows you to take this item anywhere without affecting the perception of your outfit.

T1 Summer Umbrella
A good umbrella can make all the difference in your summer, lucky for you, T1 designed its own umbrella so that fans of the franchise can enjoy the beach without worrying about the sun. As for its appearance, it has a black shaft, and its waterproof fabric is gray, as details it carries both the slogan of the organization, as well as its logo.

T1 Summer Slides
This last piece shows us that T1 seeks to establish itself as one of the most influential Esports brands in the lifestyle. They can not only design very well seen garments, but also their own footwear, which they did in this case with this pair of slides.
For their appearance, they looked for an elegant finish, so all the shoes are black, except for the franchise’s slogan, which is in white, allowing it to stand out thanks to the contrasting colors. However, its most important detail is the T1 logo engraved on the shoe. Any of these clothing items from the T1 collection can be purchased from the official T1 shop.