The arrival of the month of December means only one thing, Christmas, a time of parties and celebrations with family and friends. During these festivities you can not miss the classic sweater knitted with the theme and arrangements for a decoration according to the dates. To our surprise, Optic Gaming, a franchise that specializes in the competitive scene of Counter Strike: Global Offensive, announced the arrival of a clothing collection with a Christmas theme, which is called Holiday Collection, created for those fans who want to celebrate these dates while supporting their favorite team.
What Optic Gaming brings us with Holiday Collection
As this is a Christmas clothing collection, the main pieces of the collection consist of two Christmas-themed sweaters, where both have details of the franchise and of course Christmas. Other pieces that we will find will be the sweatshirt of the season and also some decorative objects personalized with Optic Gaming details.
Optic Gaming Christmas Collection Sweater
The first piece in this incredible collection is but the Optic Gaming Christmas holiday themed sweater. At first glance it may look like the typical garment that is worn on these dates, however, it has some details of the franchise that make it quite an attractive piece. Its base color is black, therefore, any other detail present can be highlighted.

Among these details is the name of the team on the top at chest height, below this we have some lights followed by a beautiful Christmas tree that carries a ribbon with the name of Optic and several snowflakes. However, the most striking is the snowman that has a scarf with the Optic Gaming logo, likewise this insignia can be seen on the back of the sweater.
Optic Christmas apparel Collection Texas Sweater
Optic Texas is one of the most recent creations of the franchise in the competitive scene, so one of the best ways to establish its community of followers was to announce a piece of the clothing collection for them. In this case the sweater portrays a scene where the most emblematic buildings of the state of Texas appear under the snow. As details the sweater employs a series of patterns, both the team logo, snowflakes and even geometric shapes. The color palette used on the garment consists of black, white and green, Optic Gaming’s signature colors, where each and every one of them have been equally captured.

Optic Gaming Christmas Season Hoodie
To close with a flourish the clothing line that brought us the christmas fashion Collection, we have the hoodie used during the 2021 season. Its design is based on minimalism, so you can use it without problems in your day to day. It is gray and has the Optic Gaming logo on one side of the chest in blue with a white background. On one of the sleeves there is a patch in the shape of the planet and the hood has the word “Optic” printed on it.

Optic Gaming Christmas Collection Decorations
Although they are not clothing, these incredible decorations are part of the clothing collection. The first decoration is called “Allen the Alien” and it is a perfect ornament to place on the Christmas tree, as it is a small figure of an alien dressed as Santa Claus.

The second and last decoration consists of a snow globe with some details of the franchise as its logo on the base and the figure of a van that is inside the globe. By shaking it we can appreciate the snow surrounding the figure.
Holiday apparel Collection has received very good reviews from the fans of the team, because not only have they created incredible pieces of clothing, but also these pieces and decorations are subject to the nostalgia of these dates that serve to be with family, thus creating a bond between the franchise and its fans. Enjoy the holidays with these pieces from Optic Gaming and their Christmas Collection, a clothing line that brings great apparel and even decorations for the holidays. To purchase any of these items you can do it from the Optic Gaming shop.